Please join us for a low key hot dog cook-out at Promontory Point on July 21st. We'll get together to talk shop, connect with other nature and play-based educators, and share some summer fun!
Bring kids if you’ve got ‘em! Bring a chair, a drink, your choice of hot dog, and your stories about the work that you do as an urban nature and play-based educator. We’ll provide fire wood and cooking forks.
In addition to connecting and planning with other educators interested in making nature-based learning more accessible to all, we have a number of initiatives that we're working on and would love to share more about them and have you get involved. These include organizing playscapes for PlayStreets, a collaborative initiative sponsored by the Chicago Department of Public Health which supports the development of healthier and stronger communities by creating safe and accessible residential play areas for kids to be active, to learn, and for neighbors to come together, as well as other local initiatives with other partner organizations. We would love your participation.
This event is an evolving project, so check the website on the regular for additional information.
Rain Date: July 22nd 5-7pm